Have you always wanted to learn how to write music? To arrange? Do you want to improve your composition skills? Your knowledge of music theory? Ear training?
You are here, reading this because you have a desire, even a need, to not only play or sing music, but to make your own unique, original music. Those of us who compose and arrange find a great deal of satisfaction from the act of creating new music. Whether for your own pleasure, for a church group, friends, or the next Hollywood blockbuster, you feel driven to write music.
All people have two important needs when deciding how they are going to study music. The first is that the program of instruction ensures you will reach your goals. The second is your schedule. If you find a great program designed and administered by a great teacher and this program fits into your schedule, you will succeed and enjoy learning.
Lessons happen in studio or via Zoom.
Schedule a Lesson
Your initial consultation with the instructor is free.
Send me an email and we'll work out a schedule.